Thursday, October 20, 2011

The story of a Legend

Ernesto 'Che' Guevara was a legend,born in Rosario,Argentina on 14th June 1928.  He is known to use guerrilla tactics and fight tactfully with the enemy. 

While fighting one day,he was captured by the Bolivian army on 8th October 1967 and kept in a schoolhouse in La Higuera and was killed by his captors the next day i.e. on 9th October 1967. it was death of a man but the birth of a legend.

Ernesto earned the name 'Che' from Fidel Castro,a Cuban revolutionary,whom he met while on a motorcycle journey down South America with his friend Albert Granado. An adventurous man,Che was also a trained doctor from Buenos Aires school of medicine.

His famous dialogue before being shot- "Shoot,you coward! You are only going to kill a man! You cannot kill my ideas!" proved right as Che still lives in the hearts of thousands of people in Argentina as well as other places round the globe. Thus the great Marxist revolutionary was indeed a Legend!

Watch this video for a short narration on his life and death:

You can also see this video on Twitter. Follow me on :!/luktuke_natali

Comments are welcome :)

I love my Cat.. Do you..??

This is a link to a video shot on a poem I have created myself. It is dedicated to my cat that was my companion in my growing years and soon was taken away from me due to a prolonged illness. The attachment with him still remains which i put down into a poem. Especially for those who have had similar experiences and love their pets a lot... :)

You can also see the video on twitter. follow me on this link:!/luktuke_natali

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

No posts i know! Coz i'm an amateur??? Amateur wont be the right word,but yeah i'm a lil out this space for some new ideas and posts but after a week!!