Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Skydive in Idaho with mother nature as the witness

Since Tandem skydiving and free base jump has become most skydivers’ favourite sports, more and more people have started going towards these sports. Much in demand these days is brento base jumping, perrine bridge Idaho, skydiving Idaho and twin falls Idaho base jumping. All the three are located in the scenic place called as Idaho, where nature meets hospitality by the various adventure sports’ companies, which are willing to take you for an amazing base jumping experience.

What are these jumps like?

Twin falls base jumping is definitely something a true adventure lover cannot afford to miss. Base jumping parachute is provided to you at the starting point and you can choose to go base jumping whenever you want. The instructor joins you in tandem style ensuring all the safety for you. The base jump parachute is structured in a typical way for amateurs and if you are one, you need not worry at all while you do twin falls bridge base jumping. The air at the height at which you fly is so good, almost very inexplicable state, where a jumping out plane is what you experience yourself to be, with the flawless flight of a bird and the speed of a plane.

How much would this cost?

Base jumping twin falls is around $399. In case you decide to another twin falls base jump, then you are considered for the discount and it will cost you only $250. But the only condition is that this base jump twin falls has to be done on the very same day. They provide some basic training before you actually fly. In case you take the training and opt out of the flying part, then you can get it re-scheduled by paying additional $100.

Some other things you can try around twin falls are rafting, rock climbing, golfing, skiing etc. There are special training programs too for those who wish to do base jumping on your own. Till that time, you need to fly with an instructor. But with the scenic beauty and huge mountains looking at you fly, you surely wouldn’t mind the instructor being there, as nothing can stop you from experiencing the thrilling jump.

Base jump training for an enjoyable sport

Are you the adventurous sort? Then doing parachute jumps, free base jumping, and other kinds of jump should definitely be your favourite thing to spend some good time. If you ever feel like you want to experience something too thrilling, or let’s just say that you wish to do a parachute jump, then trying out tandem parachute jumps is a must in your life.

Another thing you might surely want to try out is tandem skydiving.  Some of you might be simply wondering what is tandem skydiving? For all those, it is something in which you can simply dive from a high cliff and feel free like a bird while you are experiencing the wind blow against you. Tandem basically means you are in a sequence with someone else in the sport. Take anyone with you, it can also be your guide at the tandem base jump school, from where you actually start doing it. There are schools to teach you jump right.

What is it like to attend base jump school?

A base jumping school is almost like doing enormous amount of adventure each day. The lessons taught to you there involve exclusive training in doing tandem base jumping and parachute jumping. Sometimes you might get lucky enough to be able to witness the highest parachute jump ever, either by someone who’s learning with you or by you yourself! Base jump schools specialize in teaching you some fundamentals as well as advance level extreme sports base jumping. This helps you in the long run to enjoy parachute jump north west, or in any other part of the globe you go. Once you are confident enough, there is no turning back.

Who can do it?

Anyone who is willing feels ‘I want to do a parachute jump’ can do it. There is no constraint as you can choose to take an instructor with you for a tandem jump. And if you are trained in one of the base jump schools, there that gives you an upper edge over the amateurs. Start soon, as you might soon get to experience the first parachute jump of your life.

Bhutan: The land of happiness, wisdom, aesthetics and mystery

About Bhutan:
Nestled in the massive ranges of mighty Himalayas, Bhutan has been referred to as the god’s abode by many people. Officially it is known as the Kingdom of Bhutan. It is very well known for the increasing number of scholars, aesthetics, philosophers and pilgrims who are drawn to the little place for its irresistible beauty and serenity, looking for wisdom and some others seeking solitude in the arms of nature.

The demography of Bhutan:
This place is in at the eastern side of Himalayas and has China and India as neighbours to the north and both east and west respectively. The largest city of Bhutan is Thimphu, which is also the capital of this place.
Many mysterious stories make a part of Bhutan’s history. It is believed that Bhutan is etymologically from the Sanskrit ‘Bhotant’, that literally suggests ‘the end of Tibet’ or ‘Bhu-uttan’ which means ‘high land’. Culturally and historically, the natives of this country have been calling Bhutan as ‘Druk Yul’, that means ‘land of the thunder dragon’. And that implies their self addressing as Drukpa people.

If you calculate the area of this mystic land, it is almost 47,000 square kilometers. The people of this country follow Buddhism as their religion, Hinduism being the second largest followed religion. Their official language is Dzongkha. There are currently 742,737 people in Bhutan as per the recent census survey.

Some interesting facts about Bhutan:
Even though the country is too small compared to its neighbours, it has some of the most amusing facts that many people are not aware of, and yet are attracted to explore more out of this country. Here are some facts which give you a glimpse into this land of surprises:
  • Television and internet couldn’t be accessed till as late as 1999. It is one of the last countries to allow their people adopt television into their lives. This was done in order to help the people enliven the rich and old traditions of the country which the king believed would have overtaken by television.
  • There is a compulsory dress code, which is pretty traditional. All the men and the women have to follow it. The men have to wear knee length traditional dress and women wear ankle length dresses.
  • There is a major way in which the Bhutanese classify their country. Apart from Gross domestic product and gross national product, Bhutan has its own way of calculating Gross national happiness. That explains its position as the happiest country in Asia and eighth happiest country in the world.

Given the interesting facts you just read, you would now surely want to visit this beautiful blessing of Mother Nature.

The epitome of wisdom and peace : Gautama Buddha

When there was suffering everywhere, people were becoming weak and unhappy due to surrendering themselves to the worldly pleasures, there was a royal prince who was noticing it all. It is believed that this prince, who was an epitome of clairvoyance and wisdom, was born to his Mother Mayadevi and Father King Shuddhodhana, which the queen got to know when she saw a white elephant entering her womb in the dreams. The prince was born and named as Siddhartha Gautama.

When was Buddha born?
The question when was Buddha born, will have two answers- one in terms of his biological birth and second, of his state of enlightenment. Buddha was born as Siddhartha in 624 BC in a royal dynasty. But when he stepped out in the world and saw the real sufferings of the people, death, separation and their poor conditions, he was no longer willing to live a life of pleasures and comfort and felt an urge to relieve all these people from their sufferings. He realized that a fully enlightened state of mind which is known as ‘Buddha’ is the only way to do what he wanted and he took solitude in the forest and meditated till he got enlightenment. It was at this point that the actual ‘Buddha’ was born. Owing to his name, is known as Gautama Buddha.

Where was Buddha born?
It has been a question of slight disagreement as to where was Buddha born. As per most of the scriptures about Gautama Buddha, he is believed to have been born in Eastern India and also live there. More specifically, many people say he was given birth to by Queen Mayadevi in a place called Lumbini and continued being there even after enlightenment, till he achieved Nirvana.


This place is currently a Buddhist pilgrimage, owing to the birth, enlightenment and nirvana attained by Gautama Buddha here. It is located in the Rupandehi district of Nepal. It is one of the most visited pilgrimage places. Along with temples for Buddha, there is also a Mayadevi temple in this place which is also revered equally by people. This place is a sight in itself, owing to its natural beauty and the history of Gautam Buddha’s birth and enlightenment.

Another story associated with this place is that Queen mayadevi took a ritualistic dip in a pond some time before Gautama Buddha was born and it was the same pond where Buddha took his first bath. This pond, called as Puskarini (Holy pond) is also a site of importance to the people of the place. Lumbini was granted the status of being a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.

Tibet: The roof of the world

Known to the world as the ‘roof of the world’, Tibet is the only one major Buddhist territory which has an entire sovereignty over the Himalayan regions. This status it has acquired due to the height at which it is located almost at 16,000 ft above the sea level. It is considered as one of the highest levels of elevation.

Demographic details:
Tibet is now a part of East Asia. Initially it was believed to be in central Asia. The Chinese media likes to refer to the part in which Tibet lies as ‘The western sections’. It has some of the highest mountains, Mount Everest being 8848 meters. This mountain shares the border with Nepal. The Tibetan plateau is home to many rivers like Yangtze, Indus, Ganges, Tsangpo (known as Brahmaputra in India) and a few others. This is why it is also referred to as the ‘Water tower’ of Asia.
The capital of Tibet is Lhasa and the currency is called Renminbi yuan. The Tibetan flag has six bands, each corresponding to the ethnic groups which formed a part of Tibet. In the Tibet autonomous region, the Tibetans are about 90% out of 3 million.

History of Tibet:
This country emerged as a unified empire around the 7th century but soon later after that, it was divided into a variety of territories. These territories used to follow their own way of ruling. But later on the current borders that now exist were established around 18th century. Qing dynasty which was ruling till then, collapsed in 1912 and the region declared its own independence in 1913. But it was not recognized by the Chinese republican government. There was autonomy to it till 1951, after which Tibet was invaded and then unified into the People’s Republic of China.

Religion and people: 

Tibet is predominantly Buddhist in nature, but there is also another religion by the name of Bon, which was the religion of the Tibetans before Buddhism seeped in. Apart from these two, there are Muslim and Christian minorities. People mainly speak Tibetan language. There are many other dialects spoken in Tibet, which apparently are considered to be different languages itself by the Tibetan people.

The Tibetan people are very particular about their culture and traditions. Paintings, festivals, music, architecture, cuisine and Tibetan Art are a very integral part of the culture of Tibet. The monasteries that you will get to see while on your sightseeing tour will keep you mesmerized and keep you glued to the country. You would never want to go back home once this roof of the world entices you with its beauty.

Kitchen decorating trends 2015

kitchen at its best
Kitchen trends in 2014 were more towards contemporary stuff and classy interiors. The year 2015 will show some of the best trends in the history of kitchen décor. These are a few of the kitchen decorating trends 2015:
  1. ·         Wooden style cabinets made from classic oak wood
  2. ·         White kitchen appliances in minimalist form and similar cabinets
  3. ·         Metallic hues to the wall as well cabinets, mostly in gray shades.
  4. ·         Oil rubbed and bronze fixtures
  5. ·         Colourful sinks over plain white ones. Transparent sinks are also going to be vogue.
  6. ·         Plain floor designs

The focus the coming year will be on texture and more towards lighter shades, something that can reflect. Modern style designs as well as sleek interiors instead of old type of furniture in the kitchen will be the common seen trend as predicted this year. So be all set to welcome the year with some modern and lavish kitchen decorating trends 2015.

Floral, light and contemporary 2015

We are almost at the end of the year 2014. The year has been pretty eventful in terms of interior designs and décor and has shown some of the best trends for home and kitchen. The year 2015 is expecting a step further in this field. Here is a short glance of the room decorating trends 2015:

·         Floral fabrics are going to be in vogue. Floral bed sheet, curtains as well as sofa covers would be the new in thing. In addition to that, anything to do with large and prominent prints will rule the design world in 2015.
·         Different shades of pink, rose and soft brass are going to be the most sought colours.
·         Soft contemporary shades and traditional furniture would be the option for those not wanting a modern look.

The room decorating trends 2015 are very impressive and you can know more as the year unfolds.

Best way to de-clutter home and office

What is the purpose of storage units?
These units meant for storage are designed exclusively to take care of all those things which you think your house or office cannot accommodate anymore, but are extremely dear to you. Lack security is also another reason why one might want to consider keeping things in a storage unit. One is allowed to keep any personal or commercial thing in the storage space.
Storage space is also provided for storing RVs, which are separate within the same premises. These kind of storage receive extra security and are also offered additional services like cleaning.

How to find the right unit for storage?
There are various sizes of the storage units available. They specifications are like 5x5 or 10x20. The unique feature of these kind of units for storage is that they are designed in a manner to allow to be locked and sealed with special tapes and strong locks. This just ensures that there is security to your things once you leave it there. Some companies also provide you cold chains, in case you have very valuable things to store. They also charge only a little more for these chains.
Check the kind of things you want to store and make a proper list of these things. It can be anything like an old bike or your swimming tube, some piece of furniture or a painting.  Once you do that, it will help further to help you figure out what kind of box or unit you will require for your things. You don’t have to worry about keeping valuable things there as the area is always under surveillance and so there is total safety.
If you are under a dilemma that something valuable you store might be damaged due to the weather climate then that problem too can be solved. There are many companies which offer climate control boxes. These boxes are comparatively smaller in size but whatever you choose to store in them is totally under a safe climate as the box controls temperature. For example it’s an old showpiece you want to store but are worried that the climate might damage its texture, and then this kind of box can come to your rescue.

Rent of the storage systems:

The costs are usually not high, but can vary depending on the area the storage units are located in. the major determining factors in this will be the size of the unit and the services you choose for the same. Storage units of any kind, for personal and commercial use are mostly in the range starting from $20- $25. The cost goes up as you increase the size of the unit. It can go a maximum of $200. In case you find certain storage expensive you can look for another one, but anywhere you go it is best to specify your necessities well in advance when you go to choose. This helps the company to assist you to choose the right kind of storage. Once you make your choice, you can be totally carefree.

Safe and secure options for RVs

Planning on a vacation but don’t want to take your RV along? Then you can surely store them somewhere in places specially made for keeping big vehicles safely. Storage units as we know them are available for all those who wish to keep their RVs in a safe place.

What are the storages like?
RVs can be single or double decked, though the later are not usually preferred by people. So keeping both the possibilities in mind, usually storages for RVs are well spaced and the services which offer them give their best to keep it totally up to date, clean and well lit, in case you wish to take or keep things in it during the night time. Some storage companies also offer an outside storage facility within their premises. Most of the storage units have a stringent surveillance in their area and are accessible to you for 24hours. Some storage units might have fixed timings. They allow you to store other things in the same unit along with your RV too and have special shelves and cases for the same. They also provide you with moving carts to load and unload things from their car to the storage unit.
While you choose RV storage for yourself, you will have to be sure of the following things:
  • ·         Check the dimensions of your RV correctly. Then contact the storage unit company and ask them about the space in each storage unit.
  • ·         Make a list of two or three storage units and then shortlist one on the basis of space, facilities and cost
  • ·         Read the contract terms before you get into one.
  • ·         Ensure that your RV is offered the required safety by the company
  • ·         Insist on finding a unit near your place so that you can access it whenever you want, in case you plan an impromptu trekking or camping and need the RV.

Benefits of storage for recreational vehicles:
The major reason why one would need storage for RV is to ensure total safety to it while you’re away. People mainly face a lot of problems having an internal storage space in their garage for RVs. Storage places for RVs offer a good service and special units exclusively for single and double decker RVs. That just makes things easy to plan a trip and keep the vehicle with the storage units. Surveillance and security ensures that the vehicle is in a safer place than leaving it on the road or a friend’s garage.

Duration and rent of the contract:
Depending on the duration of the contract and the type of facility, indoor or outdoor, the rent is decided. Most of the companies offer a monthly contract for storage so that you can first take some experience before going for a long term contract with them. The rent is subjective as per the company’s services and also depends a bit on the location too.

RV storage is definitely the right choice if you are willing to shell out a bit and are seriously looking for a safe and secure place for your RV. 

Assistance for ESTA

What is ESTA?
The full form of ESTA is Electronic System for Travel Authorization. It is a kind of procedure which all those flying to US for a span of 90 days or less need to necessarily follow. An additional requirement is that the visitor must be from a country belonging to the Visa Waiver program (VWP). ESTA declares a visitor as eligible to visit United States. But that does not mean that he gets admission into the country. That part is decided by the Control and Border protection (CBP) officials at the time of arrival of a visitor. The CBP officials have the entire right to allow or deny a visitor into the country.
This involves a simple procedure of applying online through a form. You need to provide your biographic, financial and other information like if you are suffering from any disease etc. this is to ensure that the officials do not consider you as a potential threat to the country. If they find that you have forged or given false information anywhere, they can deny you ESTA or cancel it during its validity.
Even a child needs to have an ESTA if flying to US. Once approved, ESTA is valid for two years. If the CBP officials cancel or deny the ESTA during these two years, you can always re-apply.

How does one get assistance?
The formalities which are required during ESTA are much lesser than the visa procedure. Usually ESTA can be done on the government website all by yourself. But if you seem confused by the fact you need to do everything on your own, then there are several others websites willing to offer their services for getting you an ESTA application. Once you apply through them, the website gets back to you with the application details. All the details post application and then about the approval is provided to you through emails. They mostly send you a PDF file of the approval which you are expected to save as well as print. You need to keep it with you safely throughout the term of the ESTA.

Fees for assistance

The fee for ESTA on the government website is $14. But if you choose to take ESTA assistance from a private website, then you have to pay the governmental fee of $14 as well as the charges of the website.  It can range anywhere from $50 to $200. But if you wish to save spending too much, you can prefer the government website.

Do it yourself the self storage way

Why self storage?
Given the number of things we keep on buying most of the times, it is mostly the case that we fall short of space. Those who live on rent or those married newly face this problem more often as things get piled on and there’s hardly space to move in the house. But they cannot even give up any of their things. Many corporate houses too have to face this problem. It is at such times that self storage comes to the rescue.

What is self storage?
It is basically buying some extra space, like a store room outside your house, in order to keep your things there safely. Majorly while renting storage units, the major hassle is paying the rent in time. Many of the storage unit places have the right in their contract that they can break open your lock and sell the things off if the rent is not paid in time. This is a threat to your things and surely you wouldn’t want to lose your priced possessions. So, in order to avoid such a condition, it is always better to have a self storage.

Advantages of self storage:
The most important advantage of self storage is that you don’t have to worry about specific timings only during which you get access to the things you have stored in there. It is almost like your own property and you can open it whenever you wish to. Secondly, once you have paid the amount for taking that particular storage space, it is all yours. You don’t have to worry about having to pay installments or monthly rentals. But for those who rent it from other individuals owning such spaces can always do a bit of negotiation, which you cannot in case of storage unit companies.

Choosing the right storage space:
It is absolutely essential that you think well before taking or renting a self storage space. You need to take into consideration all the things that are not necessary currently in your house or office and need to be moved. Make a list of the things, the space that it might take up and then hunt for a storage space. Most often we end up stacking things one above the other in a small storage space, but that is not the whole purpose of a self storage unit. So it is necessary that you have an idea of the biggest possible thing in your list and look for a space accordingly.
Phoenix storage self is the most sought option these days and will soon be popular in most other cities too for its convenience. 

Secure and spacious solutions to keep your RVs

What is RV?
An RV or a re-creational vehicle is a sort of van, which is big enough to accommodate all the facilities of an actual home in it. It is usually single deck, but certain vans are also double decked. These are mostly owned or preferred by people who camp or vacation quite often. In places of tourist interest, these vehicles are also rented. As they take up a little more space than the usual big size vehicles one can own, they might need some extra space to be stored. That is when RV storage units come handy.

Storage units for RV:
Storage units basically mean spaces where many things, big and small can be stored. The main purpose of these storage units is to provide a safe and secure space for storage of things which otherwise cannot be accommodated in the house space or offices. Storage units are available in various sizes ranging from a small box to big compound premises. Depending upon the necessity on can choose the size of the storage unit and keep the required things.
The places where the storage units are situated are very secure and under constant surveillance. That reduces your worry that your RV might get damaged or stolen. It is definitely a better option than storing it on the road or making some space in your garage, just to make it very cluttered and inconvenient.

Choosing the right storage unit:
Many storage units have a special section, where the units are bigger and designed exclusively for RVs. In order to be able to choose the right storage unit for your RV, be sure of the dimensions of your RV. Once you are sure of the space the RV would require, look for the available storage units nearby and fix a date to visit it. It is always advisable to take your RV along just to make sure that it fits in well and is well managed. Once you are sure of these things, book a unit and be carefree. Your RV will then be in safe hands.

Cost of the units:
Normally the very small units are priced around $25 and extend up to $110. But in case of RVs, you will have to be ready to shell out a little extra, as they require additional security and space. You can choose to pay the entire amount at one go or in installments. Phoenix RV storage units are the only way your RVs can stay safe and you can enjoy taking it along for a longer time.

Storage facilities now round the corner

Is your storage room too small to accommodate everything? Planning to get new stuff but don’t want to discard the old ones? These are usual issues everyone generally faces when there are storage problems. That is when storage units come in handy.

What does a storage unit provide?
These are basically professional services by various companies, which give you space on rent as per your needs to accommodate the things you wish to keep. These can be called as storage spaces just like you would have one in your house, but all you need to do here is pay some rent. But in return, you get a customized storage unit, with high end safety, state-of-art security systems with tapes and locks and also cold chain facilities for smaller units, if you wish to store some valuable things in them. The spaces where these units are located are under surveillance 24x7 and so that ensures total safety to your things.

What all can be accommodated in these units?
There is no barrier as to what can be stored in these units, though some service providers ban from storing explosive materials and alcohol. You can store your documents, antiques, furniture, boats and RVs too. You just have to tell the authorities about  your intended storage type and they will promptly lay down a variety of storage unit sizes to suit your needs.

What is the rent?
The rent depends upon the size of the unit you have chosen. The range is small, medium and large storage as a general category of units. But you can also ask for a specific size unit or also order small boxes of 8x10 sizes, which come with a weather control feature too. These boxes cost slightly higher than the normal small size storage units. But overall it can range anywhere from $25 to $200. Be ready to pay higher for customized storage units.

How does one rent a storage unit?

Most of the services providers of Phoenix north storage are situated at the main areas of the city. You can find out on the internet and personally visit their units to check if they suit your needs. They also have their details and photos of the storage units on their websites. You can save time by checking online as well as placing an order to their email. But it is always advisable to go, check and then place an order in person to ensure a good storage experience. 

Safety and security with storage units

What exactly is a storage unit?
When you have a lot of things which are necessary to be stored somewhere, but you think your house or shop is not the right place for the storage, storage units can come in handy. Many people consider this option either because of lack of space or security. Storage units are like big spaces similar to a car parking, where slots are allotted to each person where he can keep the things he wishes to, be it personal or commercial. These storage solutions are offered by various companies across Phoenix and you can rent a storage unit as per your specifications.

What are its specifications?
Depending on the need of your things, 5x5 or 10x20 sizes are available in most of the storage unit companies. These come with strong locks and tapes which are up to date with the recent state-of-art. That just means that our storage is completely safe inside the unit and you will not have to worry once you leave it there. You can also get customized units or plans for example things like cold chains for your storage. Most of the storage companies across Phoenix help you customize the storage as per your need and provide you the best of the safety. Storage unit areas are always under strict surveillance of the cameras which further reduces your tension of complete security to your valuable storage.

What all can be stored?
The storage units can accommodate everything that can fit in as per your selection. It can be a personal thing which you need to take out to de-clutter your house, or an old thing from your shop which you think might come in handy later. Be it a huge showpiece or your old cycle, storage units are the best choice for these. Some of the storage unit companies also help in providing boxes which have climate control options. Which means you can choose a warm or cool climate for your special thing to be stored in it.

Rent of the storage:
Depending upon the size of the storage unit, Phoenix storage units are available in a range starting from $25 and the bigger ones starting around $110 onwards. You need to make your specifications while you book the unit so that the company can find the best solution for you and also consider the rent depending upon the size. It is sure the best way to ensure security to your things.

Have a carefree and easy visit to USA

What does ESTA stand for?
ESTA stands for Electronic System for Travel authorization. It is an essential procedure for all those who are willing to go to USA for a span of 90 days or less. It is mandatory for those visitors who are a citizen of the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) countries. There are 38 countries which are currently participating in the VWP. The application is a must for declaring that the visitor is eligible for going to the US. This declaration is done online by the officials. But this does not give that person the permission to go into the country. The permission is given at the time of arrival by the Customs and Border protection (CBP) officials.
 It is only as a travel requirement and not a requirement for visa. Those who are citizens of Canada and Mexico need not apply for ESTA for USA. Also ESTA is required for those who are entering USA by plane or the sea. Those taking the road need not have an ESTA.

How does one get an ESTA?
For getting ESTA, one needs to apply online. The entire process is only of a few minutes after you apply and your verification takes hardly a few seconds. The verification is done online too. Only you need to apply latest by 72 hours before your flight. Mostly people are advised to apply as soon as they start planning a trip to United States or book their tickets. Once a person gets an ESTA, it is valid for two years and he can re-visit on that basis. Some applications also need to have a visa which is a separate procedure and takes longer usually than ESTA.

Denial of ESTA:
Those applications which do not fit in the rules or criteria set for declaring eligibility can be rejected. The reasons can be of having violated certain rules, having a criminal background or most importantly not fitting the financial bracket. In case the ESTA is denied, one can always reapply for it. But for re-application, it is necessary to leave a gap of 10 days minimum after the date of denial. You also need to make sure that the grounds on which the ESTA was rejected no longer exist. Forgery or false information can cause serious consequences and can lead to the CBP officials barring you visiting USA forever.
Also the US Embassy and CBP officials have the authority to cancel your ESTA at any point time once it is approved. In that case you need to make a fresh application.

Fees for ESTA:
You are charged for the processing of your application and additional after the approval of ESTA. The initial application fee is $4 and once your get the ESTA another $10 are charged, summing up the total to $14. If you are denied ESTA, then you are charged only for the processing. All the charges are deducted from your credit card.

ESTA usa is not at all tough to get provided you apply in time and are fit for their prescribed rules for approval. You just need to follow things well and then just enjoy your vacation.

ESTA application must for a problem free trip to the US

After the unfortunate event of 9/11 in the United States, it became extremely necessary to make the regulations for entry into the country very strict. Under the same context, the procedures for other countries’ visitors to get into United States became stringent. ESTA is one such procedure which the visitors planning to go to US must fulfill in order to attain eligibility.

What does ESTA mean and comprise of?
ESTA can be expanded as Electronic System for Travel Authorization, which is an online procedure to authorize the eligibility of a visitor planning to visit the United States for 90 days or less. It is basically a procedure to authenticate that you are eligible enough as per the norms the US Embassy and other authorities have laid down. All you need to do is give out your biographic details which are verified within a few minutes by the officials. But this does not give the permission for you to enter the country. This permission is given by the Customs and Border Protections officers (CBP) at the time of your arrival into the country.

Who needs to get ESTA?
The citizens of the Visa Waiver program (VWP) need to get an ESTA before getting in into US. There are 38 countries that are currently a part of the VWP. But if you are a citizen of Canada or Mexico, this procedure is not applicable to you. It is not necessary also if you are going to the US via road from Canada or Mexico, but for all those planning to take the plane or sea route necessarily need to get the ESTA.
Those who already have a valid visa to USA need not apply for ESTA.

How does one apply?
It is an online procedure, where you need to fill up the form for application. Once you fill in your details, the authentication takes place within seconds or a few minutes. Mostly people are advised to apply keeping a grace of 3 days, which is 72 hours before they actually leave for US. So once you book the tickets, you know when to apply for ESTA. But you can apply way before your leaving date in case your booking is done.
If you are denied the eligibility in the first instance, you can always re apply. But you need to keep a gap of 10 days after the previous denial and the new application. Also, the reasons for the denial need to be changed otherwise the application can stand cancelled again on the same grounds, which is wastage of your time and resources. Then you need to apply for a Visa to enter the country.

Fees for ESTA:
Summing up to a total of $14, the fee is deducted from your credit card. It is inclusive of a $4 processing fee and another $10 under the Visa Waiver program. In case your application is denied, only the processing fee is deducted.

If you apply for ESTA well in advance, it will ensure that the entire process goes smooth and you fly to US without any problems.

ESTA for flying to the United States

Planning to fly to the United States of America at least once in your lifetime is a dream most of the people have. But at the same time there are many other things involved in it before you actually fly. There are procedures involved and it is a must that these procedures happen well in advance. One such procedure is applying for ESTA. Here are a few things you need to know about ESTA and the related procedures:

What is ESTA?
The full form of ESTA is Electronic System for Travel Authorization. This is mandatory regulation of the government of USA for all those people who want to go to US and are from the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) countries. Currently there are 38 countries which participate in the Visa Waiver program. This is a kind of system where the eligibility of a visitor is authorized. Even though it gives a decision about the eligibility of a visitor, it does not determine if the visitor is admissible within the country or not. Admissibility is determined by the Customs and Border Protection officials when you arrive into the country.
ESTA is necessary for all those who are entering the country from the sea or by the plane. Those travelling by road from Canada or Mexico do not need to get an ESTA.

What all is necessary for ESTA?
ESTA, in layman’s terms can be called as collection of your personal details for the process of identity verification. Your biographic information is the focus of this registration which further determines eligibility. This authorization is done online once you fill up the available form. It is recommended that a visitor submits a request for authorization at least 72 hours before travelling to US, but it is always safer to do it as soon as your tickets for US are booked. Even a child needs to get ESTA and without having one, the officials can deny you an entry into the country. The authentication of the application usually takes less than a minute. Some approvals also need to have a Visa. So that can include a series of interviews with the US consulate officials.

The authorization under ESTA can be valid up to two years. The US Customs and Border Protection officials have all the authority to cancel or deny ESTA at any point of time after approval. In that case you need to submit a new application.

Denial of ESTA:
There are possibilities that you can be denied ESTA. In that case you will have to apply for a United States visitor visa. In case you wish to re apply for ESTA, you will have to wait for at least 10 days before doing so. Also it is a must that whatever was the condition for denial has to be changed. It is essential to know that trying to forge or providing any false information can lead to permanent barring from visiting the states. The US embassy then cannot help you to get an ESTA or Visa in any case.

Your dreams of visiting can definitely fulfill without hassles, provided you apply for ESTA well in advance. One small procedure and you are all set to go.

Virtual currency the Bitcoins’ way

If someone told you that something you cannot see in a physical form and existing as an online value but still called as coin and can be for transactions, would you believe it? Sounds a little fictional but this picture does exist in real life and is soon going to get bigger and better. Bitcoins is one such system which is going to make such virtual currency a much more accepted way all over the world.

Who regulates it?
Bitcoins is a virtual currency system which has not been a universal form of trading everywhere yet. That is why it is called as crypto-currency. It is not controlled by a particular bank or institution and hence is a decentralized way of dealing. It is unregulated and hence there is no limit on its usage. These coins are not physical and the value of each bitcoin is the bitcoin itself.
But there are people called ‘miners’ which is a huge network of people who keep a tab on bitcoins and each transaction being made by using it. They maintain a ledger in which the transactions of bitcoins are audited.

Then what is a bitcoin made up of?
It is similar to a text message on your mobile phone. It is small in size, a file, called as a blockchain. The blockchain for each bitcoin has two parts, an identification address which is around 34 characters and a history of the owner and user of that particular bitcoin. This history is the ledger which is audited by the miners.
There is also a third and more complex part of a bitcoin called as the private key header log. Every time a transaction is made from that particular bitcoin, a digital signature is captured to confirm the transaction. This digital signature is unique for each user and his account called as his bitcoin ‘wallet’. This ensures that the transaction has a digital confirmation but nowhere is the name of the user revealed. So it is open as well as anonymous at the same time.

What can one do with bitcoins?
Bitcoins can be used in all those online shopping websites which allow transactions using bitcoins-
  • There are special places online like bitcoin stores where you can buy electronics and most of the other things too buy using bitcoins.
  • You can get gift cards by giving the specified bitcoins for it. These cards are available at certain online stores and are spendable on those as well as other leading online stores too.
  •  There are certain foundations which work for noble causes and allow exclusive online charity payments through bitcoins.

How does one get these?
The easiest and most known way is to buy bitcoins in exchange for the local currency. You need to have a bitcoin wallet and then log in to get the exchange done. You can earn bitcoins by allowing those transactions if you are a seller.

This purchase has to be done by taking help of local bitcoins, which is the directory for getting bitcoins as per your local rates. There are sellers from where you can purchase these at the prices fixed. The entire process is easy, transparent and very safe. It is surely the next in thing.

Bitcoins for one and all, easy and fast

Things have already started moving from the real world to the virtual one. From the era of credit and debit cards, there came net banking and now monetary transactions have gone one step further with the introduction of bitcoins.

What does Bitcoins mean?
This was an online monetary system introduced in the year 2009. The main aim of this kind of a system is to ensure easy and hassle free monetary transactions amongst individuals, merchants, businessmen and all those who have to make monetary payments on a regular basis.
The capital ‘B’ and small ‘b’ in Bitcoins and bitcoins are not the same. The only difference is that the former is the entire system which includes the latter as a small unit of transaction. So like you would say “I bought this for so and so many dollars”, you can then say “I paid so many bitcoins”.

Where to start from?
One essential term you need to know while getting started with bitcoins is ‘wallet’. This is commonly used in all the transaction, and a bitcoin wallet is just like any other wallet might have, but just virtual. This can be compared to having some kind of app on your phone. This bitcoin wallet can be downloaded with the help of a software wallet on your phone; computer or you can even use it online. Once you log in and get your own wallet, your next step is to get bitcoins.

How does one get bitcoins?
Bitcoins are priced at a certain price in correspondence to regular currency of each country. It is like investing in forex, that you buy them at a certain price. To get more coins, you need to carry out transactions. You might think that this part is slightly tough, but if you are aware of these three basic ways, it is very easy to get bitcoins-
  • If you are a seller, allow bitcoins as a mode of payment.
  • You can do selling and purchasing of bitcoins through Bitcoin exchanges. These exchanges are online markets for bitcoins dealings.You can also exchange the bitcoins for getting other currencies of various countries.
  • To get started, start with the exchange. Once you register, provide the required information like your identification, personal details, bank details, you can then convert your country’s currency into bitcoins.

Is buying bitcoins safe?
Bitcoins is not yet a legal system everywhere and is known as cryptocurrency. But many merchants have this mode of payment as an acceptable form. The reason why people prefer using bitcoins is because it is an extremely easy process. You also do not have to pay extra money for conducting these transactions as a seller.

The entire bitcoins transactions are immediately entered into an online ledger called as blockchains. That means that each bitcoin is being registered and kept a tab on. The process is absolutely transparent and there is absolutely no chance of forgery or fake transactions.

All these facts reveal that local bitcoins are going to be soon the favourite of all those who deal in heavy amounts and do not wish to have hard cash or card transactions. It is a great revolution in the world of currency. 

Hassle free and transparent : Bitcoins

What is bitcoin?
Bitcoins can be described as a sort of virtual currency system. It was introduced as recently as in 2009. Is a sort of software which facilitates online payments and can be used further for other transactions or exchange. This doesn’t mean that you can do online shopping with bitcoins, but all kinds of electronic transfers and transactions can be done by bitcoins. It is not considered as a legal system of currency and is also addressed as cryptocurrency. But Bitcoin is the largest cryptocurrency which is also decentralized.
The difference between Bitcoins with capital ‘B’ and bitcoins with a small ‘b’ is that the former refers to the entire system, and the latter is the actual currency.

How does Bitcoins work?
Once you have bitcoins in your possession you can use them to give to your friends, some merchants etc. the purchases made with bitcoins, the accounts of who possesses how many bitocins is all stored digitally. It is like an audit in itself, where there is a record of each and every bitcoin transaction. This system of online storing is called as ‘blockchain’. There are people who keep checking the blockchain, we can call them the auditors for bitcoin transactions. Their main job is to facilitate the bitcoin transactions safely and confirm them. These people are technically called as ‘miners’ and the merchants who hire them reward them for the services in terms of minted bitcoins.
Many people tend to buy bitcoins similarly to the way one would invest in forex. They buy it at a lesser price and sell them when then prices are higher. It is an easy way to make money. Bitcoin is being slowly accepted as a new form of making other payments too. Certain big companies have already approved this kind of transaction. Currently there are worth $1.5 billion worth of bitcoins in circulation all over the world.

Pricing of bitcoins:
Their prices are decided in relation to other currencies, like usually currency rates are decided. They keep fluctuating. The price is not fixed as such, so there has to take place a bargain between the buyer and seller in some sense. This is done against some set standard rates. You

Why choose Bitcoins?
You might be thinking that if real currency can do the same work as bitcoins does, then why use it? the answer to this question is that with bitocins, you can do any amount of transaction. A bigger transaction normally takes quite a while when you transfer the money, and there is always a problem of the cash being fake in case you gave some hard cash. But with bitcoins, the transactions take place within a matter of minutes and you have to stop worrying about all the other matters. The entire deal is totally hassle-free.
The second best thing is that for sellers, accepting through internet banking or credit cards involves paying of certain fees. But if the transaction is done with bitcoins, the fees are waived off. So from a seller’s perspective, it is far easier for him to accept bitcoins.

This is slowly gaining a lot of popularity with both the buyers and sellers, thanks to the transparent and fair system. Local Bitcoins may soon become an acceptable payment method everywhere.