Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Cheap ways to get Instagram likes

How does it feel when you have just uploaded a new photo on Facebook and it receives a number of likes within minutes of uploading? Amazing, isn’t it? But where Facebook is still used as a social utility to connect with friends, Instagram, a popular photo sharing website goes a step further by helping you make your simple photo upload into a big thing. What helps it do so is its reach globally.

Popularity of Instagram:
This is a must have feature for those who want to be seen, get some more exposure or build new contacts. Business owners, celebrities, models are seen to be the most active ones on Instagram. But their profile is just another profile had they not been bombarded with constant likes and thousands of followers. Getting likes on your uploads is what makes you popular and your photos are seen more regularly on the home page. It’s a direct relation between likes and home page space.

Getting likes:
You might think that why is getting likes so important? If you are on Instagram, you have to make the most of it by reaching out to maximum number of people and the only way to achieve this is by getting more followers and making them like your photos and videos. Unless you get likes for your photos, your popularity meter won’t rise high and then there will be no way you can be noticed on a platform with more than 100 million users. This would surely be a waste of a free medium which can in fact be the best way to come ahead and be noticed.

Ways to get likes:
So how does one get these likes? It’s not overnight that one can start getting lot of followers and likes. Let’s see some cheap and easy ways to get likes:
·         You really need to plan out your posts well and make sure it has that X factor to catch attention. One like leads to another and then it’s a chain reaction. You also need to interact more with your peers, like their photos, comment on them. It’s a virtual give and take after all.
·         Use hashtags, filters and catchy captions. People tend to look at photos or videos looking at the captions. Use your Facebook account to link these and get people to follow you. More the followers, more likes. The number of likes actually determines whether you get some space on the homepage or not. And getting this space can be the cheapest way for getting more likes.
·         You have an option of buying likes and followers. It’s an inexpensive way to test the conditions of your potential market if you plan to introduce some business through this medium.

Cost effective? Totally.

These options are entirely free and time saving. You won’t have to pay a dime to get likes on Instagram. All it will require is some efforts to make your post attractive and a bit of regularity to interact on the social medium. Once you are on it, you will definitely agree that it’s the cheapest, fastest and the best medium to make it big in the outside world.

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